A Peruvian Thanksgiving…

Thanksgiving is met at our home with great excitement!

Many years ago (maybe 12?) we spent time looking into the origins of Thanksgiving in our country. It was very different than the peaceful images of pilgrims and Native Americans. It was at that point, we shifted our Thanksgiving to a focus on being grateful for the diversity the world has to offer. Each year, we choose a different country to celebrate. We research it, learn about their customs and culture, landmarks, people, food, clothing, climate and natural resources. We spend our entire day decorating and drawing and all participate in cooking traditional food of that country. It is like a full blown version of bringing someone elses country into our own home!

This year, we chose Peru. Past years have included: India, Bhutan, Greece, China, Japan, and so many others! We look forward to it every year and this year was no exception.

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Table decorations


The Food!

For our meal that lasted all day, we made traditional green chili sauce, salsas, yucca root empanadas (my! those are sticky!!), quinoa stuffed peppers, arroz tapado, and grilled veggies with traditional seasonings. It was filling and spicy, and truly delicious!


6 thoughts on “A Peruvian Thanksgiving…

  1. Water street academy is just amazing. Who could ever forget diffusion after those experiences? The Peruvian thanksgiving was beautiful even in the pictures- and it must have smelled and tasted as special as it was. What a curriculum! Makes me want to start school all over again. Thanks for sharing


  2. you certainly put your hearts into all of your projects. What a beautiful display each component of your day. I know that I am grateful for all of you! Happy Thanksgiving xo


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